Policies & Procedures
Merry Mornings Policy No 1. Accident and Incident ( July ‘24)
(an accident is now known as a non-intentional injury)
Accident and incidents occur frequently when children are gathered. We record accidents and incidents to be able to report to parents and to ensure transparency. Accidents are not caused by anyone; they are non- intentional injuries. An incident is an occurrence that involves an injury which maybe non- intentional
An incident is an occurrence/ happening that involves a deliberate action or reaction.
The safety statement for the service is reviewed each year
The Safety Statement is reviewed yearly.
Risk assessments are done but further assessments are done following on after each accident or injury
Safety issues and incidents are an item on the agenda of the monthly staff meeting
Notification of an incident to Tulsa regarding Covid-19
COVID- 19 Is included in the list of infectious diseases and is defined in the regulations as an incident. As a registered childcare provider Merry morning will notify the early year’s registration office within three working days of becoming aware of a notifiable incident, by using a notification of incident form specifically for COVID_19. The notification form must be returned to Tulsa [email protected].
Measures in place to minimise accidents/injuries
- The children are supervised by experienced trained calm observant staff members.
- The ratio is usually 8-1 with three staff members present most days.
- Key worker system is in place
- Monthly staff meetings cover the children’s progress and development
- Accident/incidents are covered at the monthly meeting
- Risk assessments are covered each month
- Safety statement is kept up to date monthly
- The room is laid out in six play areas. There are no large spaces that encourage running. There is a turnover of safe equipment and materials to encourage engagement and involvement all age appropriate. All in good condition
- Broken or damaged toys are thrown out and that action is recorded
- Risk assessments are done regularly on areas equipment and materials to ensure children are safe
- Children agree rules for behaviour and use of the room and for outdoor play
- Children cannot run inside the room
- all materials and equipment carry the safety mark
- Daily curriculum is in place to regulate the morning
- Children are supervised by two staff outside.
- Damaged or dangerous equipment is removed.
- Outdoor play area is safety checked before the children go outside.
- Assess the injury.
- Serious injury ring 112/ ring parent/guardian/emergency contact person if unable to contact parent/guardian
- Keep child warm and comfortable as possible, loosen clothing until help arrives
- Less serious injuries are treated in the playroom and parents are notified on arrival at the door.
- The injured party is checked and cared for.
- An Accident and injury form are filled in by the staff who witnessed the accident/injury
- Parents/ carer/guardian/emergency contact person is phoned immediately if child’s injury needs medical attention.
- If parents cannot be contacted the emergency contact person is phoned
- The accident is recorded in the accident/incident book by the staff who witnessed it
- Parents/ emergency persons signs that record when collecting the child.
- Parents’ / emergency contact’s signature is to be witnessed by staff.
- Insurance company/Tulsa must be notified on day of injury.
- Accidents are recorded
- Parent is telephoned immediately if the accident is serious
- Accident report form is filled out. Form signed by Parent/guardian
- If accident is minor. Accident form(s) is filled out and parent/carer/guardian sign the form when collecting their child
- Only their child is named in the form. The other party in the accident is not named
- The other(s) involved in the accident each have a form for their parents to sign
- There are two first aid boxes in the playroom. One for the room, one to be used for outings
- The first aid box is easily accessible to the staff in the playroom. A first aid sign is clearly visible on the door of the press that contains the first aid box.
- The contents of the first aid box are checked regularly.
- A member of staff with an up to date first aid certificate is always present in the room.
- The children’s files are easily accessed by staff for parents when needed.
- Minor injuries, accidents are treated on the premises and the parent/guardian/carers are advised of the nature of the injury and the action taken when they collect their child.
- For more serious injuries, parents are contacted first, if unavailable the emergency contact person is notified, emergency services are called Phone 112 and the family doctor recorded on the permission form is contacted. Parents are notified, Tulsa is notified
- All accidents/incidents, even the most minor, must be reported to the Insurance Company.
- An Accident/Incident Record Book is maintained.
- A risk assessment for the safety statement is done after each accident/ incident and reviewed at the monthly staff meeting.
- Sensitive data is filed and stored according to the GDPR
MANAGING CRITICAL INCIDENT in playschool or on an outing
Preventive action
- Risk assessment done in advance so that potential weak areas are controlled and monitored
- One adult per two children.
- Adult at all the possible egress spots
- Regular head count and rollcall done.
- Adults tell one another if they or either of their children need to use bathroom etc
- Remain calm
- Child treated where they lie
- Injured child attended to by the first aider carrying the first aid box. First aider assesses and gives initial treatment.
- Other children gathered, head count and roll call done
- Children moved away from injured child and closely supervised by two adults
- PHONE 112
- Phone Parent/carer/ emergency contact
- 2ND first aider assists the first aider.
- Keep child warm and comfortable until assistance arrives.
- Fill out accident form sign by witnesses
- Notify insurance and Tulsa
- Remain calm
- Child treated where they lie
- Injured child attended to by first aider with the first aid box.
- Fill out accident form
- Notify insurance and Tulsa
Suddenly unwell including suspected COVID-19
- Sick child cared for by first aider who will put on full PPE and keep the child in an area 2m away from other staff and children.
- Parents/ carer/ emergency contacted immediately to come and collect the child.
- Check Temperature with contactless thermometer, if they have a temperature administer temperature reducing medicine
- Put cold compress at the back of the neck, on the forehead and loosen clothes
- First aider in full PPE stays with the child until collected by parent/guardian.
- Keep child warm and comfortable.
- Fill out incident form which is signed by witnesses.
- Remain calm
- Gather all children together, head count, rollcall. Secure the children with two adults.
- Indoors notify the manager of the setting e.g. indoor play area.
- Ascertain where the child disappeared from.
- Staff turn on phones, split up, check area methodically and carefully.
- If no sign, then Ring 112 and Ring parent/Guardian/emergency contact person
- Gather the other children, head count, rollcall
- Ascertain where last seen
- Two adults mind the other children and calmly question them where last seen
- Organise search party in grid pattern radiating from last sighting
- Ring 112 Ring parent/guardian/emergency contact person.
- Keep searching and continue to question the children calmly.
- Record everything afterwards getting all to sign incident form.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 2 Administering Medication (July '24)
We will support children and staff members who need to receive medication during playschool / working hours.
Merry Mornings is committed to supporting each child’s health and well-being. Merry Mornings will work in consultation with parents/guardians to ensure the safe storage and administration of medication if:
- a child is taking prescribed medication, with the prior written permission of their parent(s) or guardian(s)
- a child is taking non-prescribed medication, with the prior written permission of their parent(s) or guardian (s)
- a child becomes unwell while attending the setting and, only with the prior written permission of their parent(s) or guardian(s), is given pain relief or temperature reducing medication and the service will implement where necessary the services measures for managing cases where symptoms of Covid-19 are exhibited
This policy has been updated in line with current guidance the HSPC Infection Prevention and Control guidance for services providing childcare during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the DCYA’s Return to Work Safely Protocol and Tusla’s Children Services Regulations Guidance Document for Early Years Services: COVID-19.
- Children who have contagious infections are excluded until the infection is cleared.
- Daily Temperature check are done at the front door when the child is dropped and again at any stage that staff feel a child is unwell during the service.
- If a child temperature rises above 38 degrees during the session, the parents are contacted immediately to come and collect the child and the child is separated from the rest of the service in a designated area or a separate room.
- We will only support the administration of medication prescribed by doctors if it must be taken during school hours except in the exceptional circumstances when an Anti-Febrile medication is needed. Antifebrile (Calpol) is out of reach in the press containing the first aid box
The children’s sensitive data is filed according to GDPR
Parents put in writing clear instructions around the administration of medicine e.g. inhalers, meds for epilepsy/M. S, allergy pens, asthma inhalers. Parents sign a consent form to administer said medicine.
- Medicines to be labelled clearly with the child’s name, dosage to be given. All medications must now come in a clear bag with child’s name on it due to new COVID-19 guidelines in line with infection control policies.
- An individual emergency action plan is drawn up for the child which is signed by both parent and doctor
- A copy of the Doctors certificate detailing the time and dosage of medicine to be administered must be put on the child’s file.
- Parents must sign the medication consent form for two members of staff to administer their child’s medication.
- The medicine is stored securely. In the fridge if so directed or in the First Aid cupboard. Never in the first aid box.
- Medicines creams ointments are not stored in the first aid box.
- The medicine administration book records the administration of medication
- Designated staff sign out the medication and counter sign when the name of the child and dosage to be given is checked.
- Two staff members are involved in administering whatever medicines have been authorised, named and signed for. One to administer the other as a witness unless they need two staff to assist the child in taking the medication
- Staff members check that written permission has been given.
- Staff check that the medicine clearly states the child’s name, dosage and time intervals for administration.
- Staff checks that the medicine is in date.
- Staff wash hands before administering the medicine, use clean spoons etc.
- Staff administers the dosage as per written instructions on the medicine.
- Staff administers the medicine only at the time intervals as stated on the container.
- Staff administer the medicine in the presence of a witness.
- Staff stay with the child until the medication has been swallowed.
- Staff return the medication to the medicine cabinet/ fridge and secures it within.
- Record of administering the medication is entered in the medicine administration record book signed and counter signed by the two designated staff.
Staff administering medication must keep a record in the medicine Record Book, list the Child’s Name, Age, Name of the medicine, the Dosage Administered, the Date and Time, Name of the staff member who it was administered by, the Name of the Staff member who witnessed the administration and the signature of the parent/guardian/carer added on when the child is collected and a copy of the record is given to them.
Medication Guidelines
Children’s prescribed drugs are stored in their original containers, are clearly labelled and inaccessible to children. All medications must now be stored in individual clear plastic bag with child’s name on it. (Infection Control COVID_19 Guidelines)
Liquid Calpol is available should a child suddenly develop a high fever. This medication will also be given if the child displays a high fever for any reason including COVID19.
This is administered, witnessed, recorded in the administration of medicine book and parents/ guardians/carers /emergency contact are notified and must sign that they have been thus notified.
High temperature care procedure including possible COVID-19 infection
- Staff to put on PPE immediately and Take temperature with contactless thermometer and record.
- If the temperature is over 38C give 5ml of Calpol
- Ring parent/guardian.
- Remove child to separate area, lie down on poof, cover with blanket, put cold compress on forehead. Change cold compress as needed.
- Staff stay with child until they are collected.
- If temp continues to rise rapidly dial 112 ring parents back and notify of same.
If a child has allergies. Parents must list the triggers and list and provide the medication with the doctor’s label on it. An emergency plan must be drawn up. Parents must have an input in the plan, and it must be signed by both parent and doctor.
Asthmatic Attack
Signs and symptoms of an asthmatic attack
- No improvement after initial dosage of medicine
- Hard time breathing, hunched over, struggle to breathe
- Trouble walking/talking
- Stop playing cannot start activity again
- Lips or fingers are grey or blue
- EMERGENCY ring 112
- Ring parent/guardian
- Ring emergency contact person if parent not available
- Ring the Doctor
Allergic Reaction
Signs and Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction.
- Skin: Itching, flushing, hives swelling
- Eyes: Swelling, redness
- Mouth: itching and swelling of lips tongue and vomiting
- Throat: itching, swelling, difficulty swallowing and speaking, hoarseness, cough
- Chest: chest pains, tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing after consuming food
- Heart: Weak, thread pulse, dizziness, passing out
- Abdomen: nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and cramps
- Skin symptoms only- give antihistamine which should be among child medication
- If eye affected A and E
- Ingested – give epi pen immediately and call an ambulance
- Call 112 Call parents/guardians/emergency contact person
Sunscreen policy
- Children must be protected from harmful sunrays
- Parents are advised that children must have sunscreen on coming to playschool on sunny days and on the outings.
- Sunscreen to be kept in each child’s bag in case it is needed. This sunscreen must be stored in a clear plastic bag with the child’s name on it for infection control perspective. Parents have signed allowing sunscreen to be applied
- The sunscreen is labelled with the child’s name
- Each child has their own sunscreen in case of an allergic reaction to a brand.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 5 Anti-Bias Approach (July '24)
We try to the best of our ability to ensure no bias is experienced in this setting. All parents, children, staff are treated equally with respect and consideration.
Any meetings that need to take place will do so via video link between the separate parties, this is due to Covid-19 restrictions.
- No expression of bias is acceptable.
- A complaints form should be filled in if any bias is experienced.
- Complaints will be addressed and replied to within a fortnight.
- An investigation into the allegation follows.
- A video link meeting is held between owner, staff member and alleged victim this is due to Covid-19 Regulations.
- If allegation is upheld staff member faces disciplinary procedure.
Merry Mornings Policy No.7 Authorisation to collect children (July '24)
Children must be kept safe. Merry Mornings ensures that children in their care leave the premises with an authorised collector. The collector has been authorised by Parents/Guardians.
- During Covid-19 the service has had to change its dropping and collecting policy. One staff member monitors the children’s arrival/departure out at the main front door to the building. That member of staff signs the children in and out. They will check the child’s temperature before the parent/guardian leaves. Staff Check that parents and authorised people are dropping off and collecting the children
- The children’s parents list the authorised adults who can collect their children
- The collectors have signed an agreement allowing the service retain their personal data (GDPR)
- Older siblings must be listed by the parents if they wish them to collect their child. The service prefers if it is a responsible adult who collects the child
- The staff signs the collectors initial beside the child’s name on the daily register, the time of arrival and the time of departure.
- If a parent is delayed and there is no authorised collector available the parent must ring Geraldine to explain the circumstances and a note is made. The following morning the parent must add the new collectors name to the list.
Supervision on arrival
- One member of staff stands at the front door collecting the children.
- This staff member will then will pass the child to a member of staff in the corridor.
- This staff member directs the child into the room after supervising they have washed their hands. Other members of staff encourage the child once inside the room to choose an activity they enjoy.
Supervision at collection time.
- One member of staff stands at the front door. Children are seated. Collectors line up outside and the staff member signs the child off the register, child name is called by the staff member at the door, child walks to the door from their chair.
- If a child is left for longer than ten minutes past twelve the parent/guardian/emergency contact are rung. Two members of staff must wait with the child until they are collected
- If parent/guardian/collector arrives in an unfit state to collect the child the emergency contact person must be rung.
- Failing that the child protection procedure is followed and the situation is managed by the designated person in charge who must follow child protection policy and procedure.
Unauthorised collector
- Staff ring the parent/ guardian to check that the unauthorised person has permission to collect their child. Parent must add that name to the authorised list the next day.
Collections and Drop Offs During the COVID-19 Pandemic:
- Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic and in the interests of public health and on the advice of the Health Protection Surveilance Centre, the following procedure will be used by Merry Mornings service until advised otherwise:
Emergency Contacts
- All parents/guardians will provide an additional emergency contact should an immediate collection be necessary should their child exhibit symptoms of COVID-19.
Procedures for Drop Off
- Parents/guardians and authorised collectors can no longer access Merry Mornings Service or building for drop off and collections.
- Parents and guardians are asked to Please wear a face mask when dropping off a child
- Each child is dropped to a member of staff at the front door
- The child’s, temperature will be taken at the front door before the parent /guardian leaves.
- We ask all parents/guardians to limit their interactions with staff and other parent/guardians.
- All parents/guardians should follow public health advice and follow social distancing advice and give all other waiting parent/guardians the recommended 2m distance.
Procedures for Collection
- As with Drop Offs, parents/guardians can no longer access Merry Mornings for collections.
- Parents and guardians hey will be asked to wait to collect their child at in the designated area outside the front door which is clearly marked. All adults are asked to please respect social distancing markers and instructions.
- We ask all parents/guardians to limit their interactions with staff and other parent/guardians.
- All parents/guardians should follow public health advice and follow social distancing advice and give all other waiting parent/guardians the recommended 2m distance.
Collections for Children Exhibiting Symptoms of COVID-19
- Should a child at Named Service exhibit symptoms of COVID-19, their parents/guardians will be called and be asked to collect them immediately.
- If a parent/guardian cannot be reached at their provided phone numbers their emergency contacts will be called and asked to collect the child.
- The staff member will be in full PPE and will walk the child out the emergency exit of the playroom and into the front garden and will pass the child over to the parent at the garden gate.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 8 Behaviour Management (July '24)
Our policy is underpinned by the belief that children manage their own behaviour when they are safe, secure, stimulated at developmentally appropriate levels and have the scope in space and time to express themselves. We aim to provide a safe, secure playroom that is child centred with equipment to allow a child to learn, develop, grow, explore, build self esteem with the support of experienced staff. Staff members through example create a relaxed happy environment.
The following are prohibited practices in this service
- The use of corporal punishment.
- The use of or threat of any practices that are disrespectful, degrading, exploitive, intimidating, isolating, emotionally or physically harmful to the child or neglectful of the child.
The staff members through example help the children to;
- learn to control their own behaviour
- feel good about themselves
- consider others
- learn to understand the needs of others
- learn to understand the consequences of their actions
- learn to become increasingly independent and responsible.
The staff encourages positive behaviour by;
- Treating the child with respect.
- Remaining calm.
- Listening to the child.
- Trying to see the situation from the child’s perspective.
- Adopting a problem-solving approach to conflict.
- Making a distinction between the child and their behaviour.
- Placing few and reasonable limits on the child.
- Being consistent.
- Acknowledging positive behaviour in the child.
- Being honest, tolerant and patient
- If child abuse or neglect is suspected, it is managed in line with the service’s child protection and welfare policy
The layout of the playroom and the structure to the mornings support the staff and children to manage behaviour.
- Rules of acceptable use of the room and equipment are outlined in the first few weeks of the year.
- There is no large free space available in the playroom which may encourage running or rough play
- Routine for the morning ensures security of what is happening next
- Ample warning is given for change in routine
- Sand, water, paint and group work are number managed e.g. Painting one at a time
- Equipment developmentally appropriate and readily available
- Furniture and equipment meet necessary health and safety standards
- Toileting routine is simple and easy
- Hygiene standards are maintained at appropriate levels
- Staff raise any serious behaviour issues at the monthly staff meeting and plans are put in place to support staff if necessary.
Policy on Serious Incidents
We believe children can learn to negotiate and solve problems. We support children in learning the skills of negotiation and problem solving. Should any child’s actions seriously harm another intentionally or otherwise (e.g. biting, punching, scratching, pinching, etc.) the following procedures will be put in place.
- The injured child is immediately taken care of by a staff member and first aid procedures are followed if necessary.
- The child whose actions have harmed another is asked calmly to explain what happened.
- Staff explain in a serious tone that his/her actions are unacceptable.
- Staff explain how the injured child likely feels.
- Staff outlines how he/she would feel if the same action was carried out on him/her.
- At the first opportunity the whole group are gathered quietly together, the staff explains how we negotiate without hurting.
- Staff explains that the actions, that hurt/harm others, are never acceptable.
- Staff show children how to say NO if they are being intimidated by the behaviour of another. They stretch their arm out with their hand facing the other and say NO sternly and firmly.
- Parents of children involved are notified. Names of the other party are not divulged
- Incident/accident form is filled out and signed by staff and parent/guardian
- Staff consult with the parents as to how best to get this message across to their child as to how best to manage their own behaviour
- If the serious/hurtful actions persist and all reasonable strategies have failed, the child whose actions are harming others must stay away from playschool for five successive sessions. E.g.
How inappropriate behaviour is anticipated
There are several ways to anticipate possible inappropriate behaviour
- Parents and staff should exchange relevant information that may trigger some inappropriate behaviour during the morning or at home afterwards. E.g. lack of sleep, conflict with another child, change in home circumstances e.g. new baby, separation.
- separating, settling in, adjusting to the routine, accepting adult direction, communicating personal needs, shyness, insecurity, looking for attention when not understood can lead to inappropriate behaviour
- Staff are aware through observation, interaction and familiarity with the children, certain circumstances or incidents may give rise to conflict resulting in inappropriate behaviour
Isolating others, hurting others, disturbing others play, biting, spitting, hitting, kicking, pinching, using bad language, throwing objects, ignoring adult direction
Trigger | Behaviour | Consequences | Consequences | Consequences |
Mild | Moderate | Challenging | ||
Merry Mornings Policy No.12 Children with Special Needs (July '24)
All children have needs but some children have more needs than others.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions we are unsure if support from AIM or any other professionals will be allowed to be present in the playroom. Once this is allowed, we will contact the parents of children affected.
- Sensitive Data on children is filed according to GDPR
- Parents confide with the staff.
- Staff carry out three observations on the child.
- A plan of support is put in place in partnership with the parents.
- Staff lead by example and implement an inclusive approach.
- Child is treated and handled the same as everyone else.
- All expectations are age and stage appropriate.
- Plan is reviewed every three months.
- Support from AIM is applied for Level 4,5,7
- Every assistance is given to AIM observations and visits
- Support is given to visiting OT, SL and any other professionals
- Individual plan is put in place
- Plan is reviewed regularly
- Staff work hand in hand with family and professionals
- Key worker system in place
- All staff inform themselves of the diagnosis, support needed to be given.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 15 Complaints and Comments (July '24)
Merry Mornings welcomes the views of the children and parents/guardians/carers in the development of the service.
We will give careful attention without fear, favour or prejudice and a prompt and courteous response to any complaints, suggestions, comments, thereby ensuring the development of a high-quality childcare service that meets the needs of children parent/guardian/carers. Highlighting issues at an early stage can prevent problems arising but if difficulties occur the following procedure must be followed. `
This policy has been updated in line with current guidance the HSPC Infection Prevention and Control guidance for services providing childcare during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the DCYA’s Return to Work Safely Protocol and Tusla’s Children Services Regulations Guidance Document for Early Years Services: COVID-19
Changes in the complaint and comment policy during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Parents/Guardians will need to be advised that to ensure adherence to current guidelines the procedures will be amended, and so complaints can no longer be made in person at the service and any meetings will need to take place via video conferencing.
- Due to current guidelines on the management of Covid-19 in services, our complaints procedures have been adapted so as to remove the necessity to handle complaints in person. Informal complaints will be made by telephone call and any meetings required for formal complaints will take place using remote video conferencing software. We assure you that this will not adversely affect or undermine the complaints process.
- We work in partnership with parents by seeking parent’s views and encourage parents to participate in any decision making in relation to the service e.g., supplying a copy of the policies and procedures for their approval/comment, exchange information/concerns regarding their child’s holistic development.
- We undertake to ensure that all complaints are taken seriously and dealt with fairly and confidentially. Due to restrictions of COVID 19, all formal interviews/ meetings will be made via videocall.
If the complaint concerns a child protection issue, then the child protection procedure is followed (See Child Protection Policy.) It is handed over to the Designated Person in Charge unless they are the person in question then the deputy designated person in charge takes over the procedure.
All other complaints are handled as follows: –
- Merry Mornings will quickly and informally resolve complaints through discussion with the parents and members of staff as appropriate
- Parents will receive a copy of the complaints form on registration. The complaint form is filled out and given to Geraldine Murphy Manager (unless Geraldine is the subject of the complaint in which case it is given to Hilary Mezzapelle. Geraldine notifies Hilary of the complaint.
- The complaint is taken seriously, sensitively and dealt with promptly. It is dealt informally at first to see if there can be a resolution. Hilary and Geraldine (Rosie if Geraldine/ Hilary are the subject of the complaint) interview the complainant. This interview will now take place via videocall because of COVID 19. Minutes are taken. Minutes are read back at the end of the interview to ensure it is an agreed report.
- Failing a resolution at this stage, the complaint is investigated by Geraldine/ Hilary.
- Staff member is notified of the content of the complaint and interviewed. Minutes taken and agreed at the end of the meeting.
- The complainant will hear within a month of the result of the investigation if the result is delayed the complainant will be given a possible resolution date.
- A record is made of the outcome of the complaint
- Complainant and staff member are notified within a month of the outcome of the complaint.
- Details of any recommendations will be given to both parties
- Details of any changes to practice, policy or statement are shared with both parties.
- Either party may appeal the decision and an outside mediator will be appointed to seek a resolution.
- The appeal must be lodged within a month of the final decision.
- The details and minutes of the meetings are filed in the complaints file. They are retained for two years from the date of the resolution and can be accessed by Geraldine Murphy/ Hilary Mezzapelle/Tulsa /Rosemary Harding
- We will endeavour to quickly and informally resolve complaints through discussion with the parents and members of staff as appropriate
- Tulsa would be involved with the complaint procedure if the complaint concerns a child protection issue.
Comments procedure.
- A comment can be made verbally to any of the staff members. If there is an unsatisfactory result, then the issue should be put in writing to the owner Hilary Mezzapelle or to the manager Geraldine Murphy.
- A note of the comment will be made in the daily comments book along with any action taken.
- The complaints procedure should be availed of if a satisfactory response is not received within a reasonable time.
Raising concerns relating to management of Covid-19 in the Service
Rosie Harding is the lead representative in relation to any matters including reporting of concerns/making of a complaint in relation to the management of Covid-19 control measures in the service. This is to ensure that any concerns/issues relating to Covid-19 are dealt with swiftly and correctly in line with up to date guidance and practice.
We are fully committed to minimise the risk of spread of Covid-19 in our service. To that end, updated Information communicated to parents/guardians has been provided and includes the following:
- Revised policies of the service
- Drop off and collection procedures.
- Temperature checks of children before the parent/guardian leave in the morning.
- Temperature checks of children that have an elevated in temperature during the day
- Advising parents/guardians to phone us if their child becomes unwell and cannot attend the service
- Information for parents/guardians that any child is displaying symptoms such as a cough, fever or breathing difficulties should not attend the service
- The action to be taken should a child or staff member be diagnosed or suspected of having COVID-19
- The action to be taken should a child, or a staff member display symptom whilst in the service
- The action to be taken should a child or staff member come into contact with a person with COVID-19
If you have a concern in relation to the new measures, procedures or policies introduced on the management of the risk of Covid-19 in the Service, please contact Rosie Harding by telephone who will discuss those with you.
Should that discussion not alleviate your concerns, and should you wish to make a complaint then the above complaints procedure should be followed.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 17 Cultural Moral and Social Values (July '24)
We welcome and recognise children and parents from different cultural backgrounds. Learning about different cultural backgrounds and traditions broaden and enrich children’s development. Irrespective of cultural diversity we believe moral values are common to traditions. The moral values we will be encouraging will be that: _
Parents, Staff and Children need to ensure that they demonstrate respect to one another, listen to one another, value one another, show no bias towards one another, give each other time and space to develop and mature.
- Children will learn about the different cultures, through pictures, books and role play
- Cultural traditions followed by the children attending. E.g. Christmas. Tet, Ramadan. will be celebrated
- The celebration of these traditions will be optional to parents and children
- Staff will meet parents’ and children’s cultural needs
- Staff will resource information on cultural diversity
- Staff will plan activities around cultural diversity
Merry Mornings Policy No. 19 Fire Safety Policy (July '24)
We aim to ensure the health, well being and personal safety of all users on the premises. We aim to have proper accident prevention and emergency procedures, agreed and shared with all users of the facility. We ensure all safety procedures are reviewed regularly and followed consistently. We aim to comply with all legislation in force in the area of safety and fire prevention. All reasonable measures are undertaken to guard against the outbreak of fire. In the case of fire outbreak, staff are trained to implement the evacuation procedures according to the Fire Safety in Preschools Guidelines 1999. All staff are familiar with location of any firefighting equipment and trained in the use of such equipment. This policy has been updated in line with current guidance the HSPC Infection Prevention and Control guidance for services providing childcare during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the DCYA’s Return to Work Safely Protocol and Tusla’s Children Services Regulations Guidance Document for Early Years Services: COVID-19
- Planning and development Act 2000
- Planning and Development regulations
- Building Control Act 1990
- Building Control regulations 1997 and 2000
- Building Regulations 1997 to 2006 Parts A-M
- Health, Safety and Welfare at work Act 2005
- Fire Services Act 1981
- Fire safety in preschools 1999
- Childcare Act 1991 Part 7
- Childcare (Pre-school) regulations 2016
- Hygiene Regulations
- Public health Tobacco (Amendment) Act 2004
- All members of staff have received fire safety training. The fire warden will liaise with the Lead Worker Representative to ensure fire safety procedures are consistent with Covid-19 risk management measures. Updated training if required will be provided on physical distancing for evacuation procedures.
- There is a fire extinguisher situated at the main access to the room from the corridor
- All members of staff know how to use the fire extinguisher.
- The priority of the staff in the occasion of a fire is to evacuate the children out of the building and gather at the appointed assembly area.
- The fire extinguishers, fire alarms smoke alarms are checked quarterly
- An established fire drill is in place and it is practised every month throughout the calendar year. The fire alarm is used for the practice fire drills. All adults will ensure correct physical distancing is maintained during the procedure.
- Records of these drills are kept and clearly posted at the fire exit door. Records are retained for five years. All staff members, Tulsa, relevant authorities have access to the records
- Records are stored. The monthly fire drill is stored on the wall for the full year. Then in a box for 5 years. The record of the quarterly service is on a form in the main entrance hallway. the calendar years of service checks are then stored with the fire drills for the years.
- Staff/ Parents/guardians/fire officers/Tulsa have access to the above.
- Fire alarm sounds.
- Fire drills will adhere to adult physical distancing as per Covid-19 guidelines.
- Children line up at exit door with childcare worker.
- Play leader leads the children outside to the assembly point.
- Staff member collects the roll book and mobile phone and checks everyone has evacuated the room.
- Play leader leads the children to the assembly point.
- Roll is called and a head check is done.
- Fire brigade is called. 112
- We have the correct ratio of adults to the number of children on the premises.
- All physical distancing measures will be adhered to as per COVID-19 guidelines.
- The service caters for 22 children per session
- Two members of staff on duty daily with a third on most days.
- All staff have First Aid Training which is renewed every three years.
- Every provision has been made to monitor the safe arrival and departure of the children
- Staff only let children leave the premises with the authorised adults listed on their forms.
- Children do not have access to the road or housing estate.
- The children are supervised in both enclosed outdoor play areas.
- Utmost and reasonable care is taken that children cannot leave the premises undetected.
- We always have access to a mobile phone. (on the windowsill in the playroom)
- Fire exits are not locked, they are easy to open from the inside and access to them is always free from obstruction.
- Children are always supervised by staff and adults and are never left on their own.
- The Staff members inform themselves and know how many children are always present.
- The arrival and departure times of the children and adults are recorded and witnessed.
- No staff member/volunteer is expected to be in the building or wait outside it on their own.
- The playroom is laid out with emphasis on minimising safety risks and allowing clear circulation but not freedom to create running areas.
- Children are shown how to carry pencils, chairs, scissors etc. safely
- We make sure that unsuitable objects such as plastic bags, polystyrene, lollipops, nuts are not available to the children.
- Safety checks indoors and outdoors are done daily.
- Staff do not drink hot beverages in the playroom or in the outside play area
- Staff cannot smoke on, in or around the premises
- To prevent the spread of infection children and staff disinfect their hands-on arrival before entering the playroom.
- Children and staff wash their hands after using the toilets/after outdoor play/after handling anything soiled.
- Children and staff wash their hands before eating.
- Equipment, furniture and fittings are cleaned and disinfected regularly.
- Children and staff with infections are not allowed to attend.
- The outdoor play area is checked daily before use. Any dangerous items are removed.
- Personal possessions are securely stored in a locked press in the playroom
Merry Mornings Policy No. 23 Healthy Eating (July '24)
We promote healthy eating. We believe children and parents should be aware of the food pyramid. We suggest which foods children should be encouraged to eat. Merry Mornings will comply with current legislation regarding food hygiene, registration and training, including:
- The Child Care Act 1991
- The Child Care (Pre-School Services) Regulation 2016
- I.S.: Hygiene and Catering Requirements
- I.S.344 Guide to Good Hygiene Practices in Domestic Premises
- E.C. Hygiene of Foodstuffs Regulations 2000 (S.I.165 of 2000)
Due to Infection Control Guidelines as a result of Covid-19 no school bags can come into the building. Children will take their drink bottle and lunch box out of their bags at the door and place them on the storage shelf in the hallway.
- Healthy eating is promoted to parents
- Children bring their own snacks daily in a lunch box
- Parents/carers/guardians are notified on collection at the door if child has not eaten or taken a drink
- Parents/Guardians/Carers are advised to provide fresh nutritious balanced snacks.
- An example of a lunch: Fruit (grapes to be sliced length ways) small sandwich or wrap with cooked meat or cheese, warm soup, cooked pasta,
- Children are encouraged to bring food for one snack period in case they are hungry.
- Uneaten/partially eaten food is returned home daily.
- Parents/carers/guardians are notified on collection at the door if child has not eaten or taken a drink.
- Children should have enough liquid for several drinks.
- Certain foods are not permitted: –
- Nuts, sweets, packets of sweets, tayto crisps, biscuits, peanut butter/ egg sandwiches, kiwis, marshmallows, popcorn, petit filous, cereal bars, nutella sandwiches
- Children are encouraged to drink water; Drinks should be in a screw top container to facilitate storage when opened.
- In line with the revised (pre-school regulation) 2016, Children need food for a main snack, and then fruit for a second snack if they become hungry.
- No fizzy drinks are permitted
- Food is provided by Merry Mornings for children who have not eaten any breakfast.
- Food is provided by Merry Mornings for parties and celebrations. Children have their snack first before party food
- Parents/Guardians/Carers are consulted regarding the child’s special requirements and identify any support needs which may be necessary.
- The staff is made aware of any allergies, medical conditions, religious or cultural needs of each child attending Merry Mornings
- The staff sit with small groups of children as they eat their food, to encourage good eating habits, stimulate conversation and enhance the quality of the interaction.
Food allergies
- Parents must notify staff if their child has any allergies or adverse reaction to food.
- All parents are notified of any allergies or intolerances or potential reaction.
- A notice is posted on the door to draw attention to any allergies.
Food Purchase.
- Food is purchased from a reputable source. The food is stored in a safe and clean manner.
- Food that is passed its ‘best before’ date is not purchased.
- Labels on food will be checked for ingredients in order to avoid products such as nuts etc.
Food Preparation
- Staff with cuts or sores must have them covered with waterproof plasters.
- Staff who are ill cannot handle food for others.
- Children are always supervised while they are eating.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 25 Inclusion Policy (July '24)
Merry Mornings is open to any child whose parents wish them to attend the service. The service tries to ensure that that the physical, intellectual, linguistic, spiritual emotional, social needs of each child attending are addressed.
- It is the priority of the service to meet all the holistic needs of the children despite the changes enforced by Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines in the service.
- Equality of access to all children
- First twenty-two children are ensured of a place and the remainder go on a waiting list
- Booking system in advance is in operation. First come first served
- Enrolment forms highlight any specific needs of the children
- Key worker system is in place. Key workers get to know their group
- Bi-monthly observations are carried out on each child.
- The monthly staff meetings discuss the written record of the children’s needs.
- Planning around these needs is done monthly
- See Policy on Anti-Bias Approach (April 2021)
- See Policy on Equal Opportunities (April 2021)
- See Cultural and Moral Values (April 2020)
- See Specific Requirements (August 2020)
- See Health and Wellbeing (April 2021)
Merry Mornings Policy No. 26 Induction (July '24)
Every new member of staff, every volunteer, every student must have an induction session before working with children in Merry Mornings.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the majority of the Induction will be done remotely via email and video link.
- The manager introduces the person to Merry Mornings
- All mobile phones must be put on the windowsill
- Handbags/personal effects into locked press
- Introduced to layout of room and the six play areas.
- Bathrooms outlining the importance of helping children to toilet safely.
- Volunteers and students not allowed in the bathroom area alone
The person then must read: –
- The Policies and Procedures.
- The Covid-19 Policy
- The Staff Handbook
- The Child Protection Policy and Procedure.
- The Child Safeguarding Statement.
- The Safety Statement.
- Fire and Safety Procedures.
- General Data Protection Regulations.
- The curriculum.
- The notice board outside in the entrance.
- Shadow staff members.
- Ask for help if unsure at all.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 27 Infection control (July '24)
It is the priority of Merry Mornings to protect all children attending our service and all persons working in our service from the transmission of infections.
Merry Mornings is committed to: –
- To comply with as far as possible, the ongoing advice issued by the HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) in relation to reducing the spread and transmission of COVID 19.
- The health and well-being of all children, staff and visitors to our service. It is paramount and our aim is to prevent and manage any infection including Covid-19 which may be present in the service.
- The promotion of a healthy environment and a high standard of personal hygiene for adults and children.
- Protect persons working in the service from the transmission of infections
- Aim to comply with all relevant legislation including:
- The Child Care (Pre- School Services) Regulations 2016 on Hygiene
- Aim to comply with all Tusla recommendations around the prevention of the spread of infectious diseases.
- This policy has been updated in line with current guidance the HSPC Infection Prevention and Control guidance for services providing childcare during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the DCYA’s Return to Work Safely Protocol and Tusla’s Children Services Regulations Guidance Document for Early Years Services: COVID-19
- We follow the 2m physical distancing recommendation by the National Public Health Emergency Team for adults
- Merry Mornings has washing stations, and a number of hand sanitiser stations – all staff are encouraged to use and to follow our handwashing policy above.
- The National Public Health Emergency Team recommends the use of cloth face coverings in certain indoor settings; however it is not mandatory in Merry Mornings during the session. We have masks available as needed and our staff member at drop off and collect will wear a visor mask.
- Merry Mornings master cleaning schedule can be seen in the appendices of this policy.
Covid 19 Infection Control Procedure.
To protect persons working in the service from the transmission of infections
Cleaning (see policy on cleaning)
The Building
- The premises were both cleaned internally and externally prior to re-opening. This included all toys and equipment.
- A notice that is visible and in easily understood English is at the entrance stating that children and staff may not attend if a child/parent/household member or staff member has;
- Signs or symptoms of respiratory infection, such as a cough, shortness of breath and /or a fever.
- A temperature of 38C or higher
- Merry Mornings regularly check for the latest guidelines on the use of PPE on the HPSC website.
- The playroom has an adequate supply of cleaning equipment, soap, liquid soap, hand towels and they are stored safely.
- There is a contactless thermometer to take each child’s temperature.
- An established drop off and collection point
- This service is cleaned twice daily, before and at the end of a session.
- There is a cleaning schedule in place and logs are kept.
- A new cleaning schedule for the playschool is incorporated to prevent the spread of Covid 19.
The advised play pods Is not a practical solution in Merry Mornings Pre-school setting. In Merry Mornings preschool this is not possible due to the Fire Regulations and Insurance of the building.
Merry Mornings however will incorporate all other procedures to be followed by staff and children attending the service. These will be in line with the requirements set out by the HSE, HPSC guidance to comply with the ongoing advice issued by the HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) in relation to reducing the spread and transmission of COVID 19.
Dealing with Suspected COVID-19 Cases in Named Service
If a child or staff member in Merry Mornings feels unwell and develops symptoms:
- If a child develops any symptoms of acute respiratory infection including cough, fever, or shortness of breath while in, a staff member will take the child to isolation area. This should be a room if possible but if that is not possible it should be in a place 2m away from others in the room.
- Parent/guardians will be called and asked to collect their child as soon as possible.
- A staff member will remain with the child at all times until parent/guardian arrives. Due to the nature of COVID-19 physical distance will be need to be retained as much as possible, and the staff member will need to wear a facemask and gloves.
- If a staff member develops symptoms of acute respiratory infection including cough, fever or shortness of breath while in the care facility ask them to go home without delay and contact their GP by telephone.
- They will be located 2 m away from others as much as possible.
- They will be asked to avoid touching people, surfaces and objects and be advised to cover their mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when they cough or sneeze and put the tissue in the bin.
- They will be asked to wear a mask.
- If there is an emergency, staff will call an ambulance, and explain that the child or staff member is unwell with symptoms of COVID-19.
- Any rooms where children or staff need to be isolated is cleaned and contact surfaces disinfected once they leave.
What we do when there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Merry Mornings
- We advise all individuals with symptoms of COVID-19 to contact their GP for further advice.
- Merry Mornings will liaise with local Public Health staff of the HSE to discuss the case, identify people who have been in contact with them and advise on any actions or precautions that should be taken.
- Merry Mornings will notify Tusla Early Years Inspectorate of any confirmed case of COVID-19 in the service.
- An assessment of each childcare setting where this may occur will be undertaken by HSE public health staff.
- Advice on the management of children and staff who came into contact with the case will based on this assessment.
- The HSE Public Health staff will also be in contact individually with anyone who has been in contact with the case to provide them with appropriate advice.
- Cleaning of Merry Mornings will commence following HPSC advice and guidance.
- Symptomatic are advised to self-isolate and arrange to get tested for COVID-19.
- We will advise confirmed COVID-19 cases to continue to self-isolate at home for a minimum of 14 days and not return to Merry Mornings until they are advised that it is safe to do so.
Close contacts of a confirmed case will be advised to go home and restrict their movements for 14 days. We will ask them to not come to Merry Mornings for 14 days
Infections controls re COVID-19 and other contagious illness.
- Persons exclude themselves from the service if they are ill.
- Staff will wear a visor mask when parents and guardians drop off and collect children.
- Staff and children disinfect their hands-on arrival before entering playroom.
- No parents are allowed to enter the building. Parents will drop the child to front door of the building wearing a mask.
- Parents are asked to wear masks while dropping and collecting their children
- Guidelines on how to wash hands correctly is displayed
- An antibacterial agent is used; 60% alcohol content is used.
- Plain bar of soap will be used to regularly wash the children’s hands.
- Disposable hand towels are used to dry hands.
- A hand washing log is kept daily.
- The children and staff disinfect their hands before they enter the playroom
- The members of staff and the children wash their hands frequently — after using toilet, painting, playing outside and before snack time.
- No soft toys or any items from home are allowed into the playroom.
- Children are encouraged to keep their noses clean and to sneeze and cough into their sleeves.
- Children and Adults with heavy colds, coughs, must exclude themselves from the service.
- Children / parents/ staff with a bout of diarrhoea and or vomiting must not attend the service for 48 hours. They should notify the service in case the bout is highly infectious,
- Any children who are ill should not accompany adults to collect children from the service.
- Families are notified with a dated written notice of an outbreak of an infectious disease. Tulsa is notified of any outbreaks
- Head louse infection is contagious and if noticed parents/guardians/carers will be notified
- Hand foot and mouth is contagious children exclude for at least a week
- Conjunctivitis is contagious, exclude until symptoms pass
- All cuts and sores are covered with suitable dressings.
- Staff wear disposable gloves while cleaning, changing pullups, mopping up spills or bodily fluids.
Hand Hygiene
- Merry Mornings ensures that there is adequate hand washing facilities and supply of warm water (< 43.0 C), plain bars of soap, paper towels, hand sanitizer (above 60% alcohol content) and bins for disposal of the paper towels.
- Staff members will wash their own hands and assist children’s hands washing using a plain bar of soap and warm running water. Disposable single use paper towels to be used for hand drying.
- Hand washing at a minimum will occur:
- Immediately upon arrival and leaving the service.
- On entering / leaving any of the rooms, kitchen area, bathroom within the service
- Immediately after outdoor play and before re-entering the service.
- After using the toilet.
- Prior to eating meals.
- All staff and children should wash their hands after wiping children’s noses. Children are encouraged to do it themselves, but younger children may require assistance.
- If visibly dirty
- After sneezing and coughing.
- Prior to handling food
- Before and after caring for a sick child.
Nails are cut short and free from polish. Hands and fingers are free from jewellery and acrylic nails.
Hand sanitiser may be used as an alternative to handwashing where handwashing facilities are not readily available outdoors. Children are always supervised while using hand sanitiser.
Hand sanitiser is available at all entrances and exits to the service and is used each time an adults or child enters or leaves the room.
Perishable food
- Children bring their own food for snack time. The perishable food is not on the premises for longer than two hours before being consumed.
(Drinks, water, blood, vomit, urine and excrement.)
- Disposable powder free gloves are worn and plastic apron.
- Any spills are wiped up with disposable paper towels and hygienically disposed of in double plastic bags.
- The area is treated with bleach-based solution using disposable cloths and dried off thoroughly with paper towels.
- A supply of clean clothing is available at hand.
- Supplies of polythene bags are available to wrap soiled garments.
Spillages from water-play are dried up with paper towels and disposed of in paper bin
Air pollution
- There is a carbon monoxide alarm in place.
- There is a room thermostat.
- Windows are opened to let in fresh air.
Pest Control
- Adequate proofing has been made to these premises to prevent infestations of vermin and insects.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 28 Infectious Diseases (July '24)
When a child is enrolled in Merry Mornings, the immunisation details must be filled in on the application form. In the case of children who have not been immunised, parent/guardian/carer will be asked to contact the Tusla. In line with current guidelines many new practises have been introduced to avoid the spread of Covid-19.
Infectious disease control
- Children or adults with a temperature, heavy colds, coughs or infectious diseases should not attend the childcare service.
- All staff and children will have their temperature checked and recorded daily prior to the start of the session.
- Any child or parent who is ill should not accompany children to the playschool.
- A dated notice informing families of an infectious disease outbreak is posted on the notice board, is circulated in written form and verbally to each family.
- Parents, Children and staff disinfect their hands before entering the playroom, wash their hands after using the toilet, before and after eating, after outdoor play or messy play.
- Parents/Guardians/Carers will be notified if there is an outbreak of COVID-19, head lice infestation, hand foot and mouth infection and any childhood diseases chicken pox, measles, mumps, whooping cough etc.
- If a child becomes ill at Merry Mornings the parents/guardians/carers or authorised adults will be contacted by Staff.
- There are opportunities for energetic and outdoor play.
- The children’s emotional, moral, spiritual health and wellbeing is supported through a stimulating curriculum.
Infectious diarrhoea
Children or staff who are acutely ill with gastrointestinal symptoms with elevated temp and vomiting must stay away from the service. They must stay away for 48 hours and or until symptom free Those diagnosed with shigellosis must be on antibiotics for 48 hours and symptom free before returning to the service.
To stop the spread of diarrhoea
- Rigorous attention to handwashing.
- Ensure toilets cleaned thoroughly including, the seat, cistern handle, door handles and water taps.
- Wash disinfect all surfaces in bathroom, playroom, equipment and toys.
- Exclude children and staff with infection
- Notify parents if there is a real outbreak so that they can be vigilant with their own children. Bring a stool sample to the doctor if symptoms develop in their child
- Staff and children must remain excluded until symptom free.
Outbreak of Serious Disease
- Environmental Health Services and Tusla are notified
- Environmental Health Services gives advice and directions to the playschool to follow on an infectious disease breakout
- Each parent is personally notified if there is a serious outbreak e.g. COVID_19, e-coli
- A dated notice informing families of the infection is posted on the notice board and is circulated in written form.
- The service is closed.
- The service is disinfected, and every piece of equipment is thoroughly cleansed or destroyed.
- Before returning to the service, everyone using the service must submit three stool samples to ensure the outbreak has been contained i.e. children, staff.
- The children’s records must be made available to the TUSLA.
Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that can cause illnesses. Some of these illnesses are very mild, like the common cold, while others are more severe, like SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).
Novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV
A “novel coronavirus” means a new strain of coronavirus that has never been seen in humans before. The coronavirus recently identified in China is one of these. This new coronavirus is being named “2019–no”.
Symptoms of novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV
It can take up to 14 days for the symptoms of this 2019-nCoV to appear. These symptoms include:
- Fever (temperature of 38˚C or higher)
- Cough
- Breathing difficulties
- Shortness of breath
- Sore throat
Treatment of novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV
There is no specific treatment for 2019-nCoV at present. But the symptoms of the virus can be treated.
Advice for student/children returning to Ireland
All staff or children attending the service must isolate for 14 days after traveling back into Ireland from abroad.
No symptoms
For a person with no symptoms, there is a need for quarantine (keeping a well person separate from others) for up to 2 weeks after coming to Ireland.
If within the last 14 days, your student/child has come to Ireland from abroad or has been in contact with a person diagnosed with novel coronavirus OR has attended a healthcare facility where patients with novel coronavirus are being treated, you (parent or guardian) are asked to make contact with your local Department of Public Health by phone for further advice.
Has symptoms
If any symptoms develop suggestive of acute respiratory illness, during or up to 14 days
- Keep your student/child at home and do not go to school or pre-school.
- Seek medical attention and share your student/child’s travel history with your health care provider. Phone the doctor in advance rather than attending in person.
Phone your GP, rather than turning up in person. Make sure that, when you phone, you mention your student/child’s recent travel.
How to protect yourself from novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV
- Wash your hands often with soap and water.
- If you are coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue. Throw the used tissue away into a closed bin, and wash your hands. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your flexed (bent) elbow.
- Avoid close contact with anyone who you know has cold or flu symptoms.
- Check the travel advisories from the Department of Foreign Affairs prior to arranging travel abroad. Anyone child who travels abroad we ask that you do not allow your child to come to the service for 14 days.
Suspected case of COVID-19 during a session
Refer to HPSC guidance on management of infectious disease in childcare facilities
If an infection of COVID_19 is suspected, parents/guardians should be contacted so that they may collect their child immediately and contact their G.P.
The responsible staff will wear PPE and isolate the child in an area 2m away from other children and staff. The staff will remain with the child and keep the child comfortable Tissues and water will be a at hand.
A non-contact thermometer will be used to take the temperature and record this in writing.
Any child who is a close contact of a person who has a confirmed diagnosis or is suspected of having COVID-19 must not attend the service and remain in quarantine for 14 days.
If a child or adult diagnosed with COVID-19 spent time in the communal area like a play area ire sleeping area, or if they used the toilet or bathroom facilities, these areas will be immediately cleaned with household detergent followed by a disinfectant as soon as possible.
Special attention will be payed to frequently touched sites including door handles, backs of chairs, taps, toilet handles. Once the areas have been cleaned and disinfected and dry, the service can resume as normal.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 32 Outdoor Play (July '24)
Outdoor play is important for children’s health, wellbeing and development. There are two outdoor area spaces. One is off the playroom itself the other in an enclosed garden at the rear of the building. The front area is railed in and locked. Summer weather the doors to the playroom are kept open and indoor equipment is moved in to the garden e.g. paint, playdo, sand, building, etc.
Large back garden has two main play areas, one for digging, muck play, sand, painting, building, etc. the other for running, rolling, football, group games.
As a result of Infection Control Guidelines due to Covid-19 all outdoor toys and equipment will be cleaned and disinfected after every session. Children and staff will try and play outside as much as possible. All staff will adhere to adult social distancing rules as per Covid-19 guidelines. Children will wear their outdoor clothes, which have been labelled and cannot be shared due to Covid-19 Infection Control guidelines.
- A daily risk assessment is carried out by a staff member in out outdoor area, prior to the children accessing the area.
- Two members of staff supervise outdoor play. Third staff assists in the supervision of the children while they access and egress to and from the back garden. All staff will adhere to adult social distancing rules as per Covid-19 guidelines.
- The outdoor spaces are secure, and children cannot egress from them without adults. Each adult has a fob which opens the gates into the area. Only playgroup staff and Respond building Manager has a similar fob. The manager needs the fob to oversee maintenance and oil supply.
- Children will be brought outside to exercise, play with sand, participate in gardening and play games from 10.00 – 11.00. This time allocation is flexible daily. Weather gear is available to each individual child if they wish to avail of it.
- Children will wear their outdoor clothes, which have been labelled and cannot be shared due to Covid-19 Infection Control guidelines.
- Children will be supervised by a minimum of two members of the staff while playing outside.
- Summertime children should have sun protection cream on when they arrive
- A specific exercise programme will be followed e.g. stretching, jumping, running, kicking balls etc.
- Risk assessment is regularly done on the outdoor spaces/equipment
- Children wash their hands on returning to the room.
Sunscreen policy
Children must be protected from harmful sunrays
- Parents are advised that children must have sunscreen on coming to playschool on sunny days and on the outings.
- Sunscreen to be kept in each child’s bag in case it is needed. Parents have signed allowing sunscreen to be applied
- The sunscreen is labelled with the child’s name
- Each child has their own sunscreen in case of an allergic reaction to a brand.
Risky Play Policy
At Merry Mornings we believe that children can develop confidence and become resourceful by assessing healthy risk and challenging themselves to achieve personal goals. The sense of joy and ‘I can do it’ is essential to children’s psychological health and holistic well -being. Children develop balance and strength as they take responsibility for their own safety.
Children become safer when they practice using their bodies. Children’s bodies, brains and abilities are constantly developing, and children need to experiment to understand their limits. Children become flexible resilient and confident as they gain skills in recognising, assessing and reducing risk.
Rewards and Benefits of Risky Play
- Children challenge themselves to try new things and to move beyond their comfort level
- Children develop resilience persistence and flexible thinking
- Children experience and cope with difficult emotions (fear embarrassment frustration)
- Children learn to deal with slippery conditions, take reasonable chances, judge danger and take responsibility for their own safety
- Children discover joy in independence, become competent and confident manage fear, friends, trust themselves and become creative thinkers.
Area/activity | Risks | Benefits | Actions req | Decision |
Merry Mornings Policy No.33 Outings (July '24)
Merry Mornings is committed to supporting each child’s health and well-being. Outings are planned to provide varied and interesting learning experiences for children in our care. Risk assessments are carried out prior to all outings and adequate insurance is in place. Parents/Guardians will be provided with advance notice of each outing and written consent will be obtained from Parents/Guardians. This policy outlines how we conduct outings in Merry Mornings. This policy has been updated in line with current guidance the HSPC Infection Prevention and Control guidance for services providing childcare during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the DCYA’s Return to Work Safely Protocol and Tusla’s Children Services Regulations Guidance Document for Early Years Services: COVID-19Merry Mornings has a policy of going on outings when appropriate subject to all parents/guardian’s approval.
Under COVID-19 guidelines outings away from the service maybe undertaken in accordance with public health guidance. As always, a risk assessment will be carried out reviewing any potential risks.
Choice of venue | Responsibility | |
Parents letter | ||
Risk assessment | ||
Reserve venue | ||
Reserve bus | ||
Bus Insurance cover checked | ||
Parent’s permission slip | ||
Volunteers x | ||
Routine of the day | ||
First aid box | ||
Paper towels/wet wipes | ||
Several changes of clothes/underwear/socks | ||
Children’s register with parents/emergency contact mobile numbers | ||
Children Packed lunches and drinks | ||
Fully charged mobile phone | ||
Camera | ||
Insurance notified /cover checked | ||
Qualified First Aider | ||
Accident incident book | ||
Administration of medicine book | ||
Calpol | ||
Hand sanitiser /Tissues/ PPE | ||
Contactless thermometer |
- A risk assessment is carried out on the venue.
- Parents must sign a permission slip.
- Parents asked to volunteer to comply with adult child ratio Insurance requirements.
- All staff and volunteers will adhere to all social distancing rules of COVID-19.
- Venue chosen will be child friendly, healthy and safe.
- Transport will comply with road safety guidelines.
- Volunteers meeting held fifteen minutes before leaving to go over the venue/ agenda/ responsibilities/ expectations
- A letter covering the details of the venue, the itinerary, food, drink, clothes, will be circulated to parents.
- Each child carries their own backpack.
- One member of staff with up to date First Aid will be designated to take responsibility for first aid box, anti-febrile/epi-pens/inhalers/medications, PPE, Hand Sanitiser/ Contactless Thermometer, roll book, contact numbers, paper towels, wipes, plastic refuse bag, serviettes, and picnic rugs. This staff member will be a floating staff responsible for no children and will manage the toilet breaks.
- Adult child ratio will be two children for every adult.
- Volunteers will be expected to assist in escorting children.
- Staff are ultimately responsible for the children.
- A list is drawn up allocating children to adult.
- Roll list is drawn up for the outing. Each parent enters their mobile opposite their child’s name on the morning of the outing. Each parent signs mobile will be switched on for the duration of the outing.
- Staff only, assist children in toileting. Parents can assist their own children if necessary.
- If parents choose not to let their children go on the outing. Alternative activity is made available for them at the playschool with two staff members remaining in the centre for these children.
- First aid box is brought and managed by staff with up to date first aid certificate.
- N. B. The second first aid box must be left in the playroom.
- Children assemble ten minutes before departure. Toilet visits before departure.
- Children’s hands are washed with plain soap and warm water before departure.
- Roll call is made.
- Children are settled into the bus and the seat belts checked by the staff.
- Bags etc stored under the seat. Window curtains used for shading if required.
- Staff seated strategically: – one in the front seat, one at the back, two in the centre in opposite aisles.
- Children do not move from their seats.
- Air conditioning on as required.
- Staff check children regularly during the trip. Interacting with the children.
- Children assisted off the bus.
- Children assemble, roll called.
- Children’s hands are sanitised.
- Children walk in file holding an adult hand.
- Staff lead the line; take up rear of the line. The others are at quarter and three-quarter positions
- Head count done at each toilet break / food break.
- Walk in file returning to the bus.
- Roll called and children seat belts are checked. Review/evaluation of outing done the following day consulting all adults
Infection control on an outing (including precautions for COVID-19)
- Children/adults who are unwell cannot go on the outing.
- All children, staff and volunteers will have their temperature taken before their parents leave that morning.
- Children/adults hands will wash their hands with warm soapy water before going on the bus.
- All staff and adults on the outing will observe all social distancing rules for Covid-19.
- Hand sanitiser, full PPE, contactless thermometer, tissues, disposable gloves, disposable bags and a cold compress will all be available in the First Aid box on any outings.
- Children bring their own food/drink (unless venue insists on their food).
- Any spillages on the bus are handled according to procedure using plastic aprons and gloves
- Children hands are thoroughly washed before food break and after each use of the toilet.
- Surfaces are washed, disinfected and dried before lunch boxes are opened.
- Children are constantly supervised
- Staff and children will regularly sanitise their hands throughout the outing.
MANAGING A CRITICAL INCIDENT on an outing/in playschool
Preventive action
- Risk assessment done in advance so that potential weak areas are controlled and monitored
- One adult per two children.
- Adult at all the possible egress spots
- Regular head count and rollcall done.
- Adults tell one another if they or either of their children need to use bathroom etc
SUDDENLY UNWELL including suspected COVID-19
- Sick child cared for by first aider.
- Parents/ carer/ emergency contacted immediately to come and collect the child.
- Check Temperature with contactless thermometer, if they have a temperature administer temperature reducing medicine
- Put cold compress at the back of the neck, on the forehead and loosen clothes
- First aider in full PPE stays with the child and keeps the child in an area 2m away from other staff and children.
- Keep child warm and comfortable.
- Fill out incident form signed by witnesses
- Remain calm
- Child treated where they lie
- Injured child attended to by the first aider carrying the first aid box. First aider assesses and gives initial treatment.
- Other children gathered, head count and roll call done
- Children moved away from injured child and closely supervised by two adults.
- PHONE 112.
- Phone Parent/carer/ emergency contact.
- 2ND first aider assists the first aider.
- Keep child warm and comfortable until assistance arrives.
- Fill out accident form sign by witnesses.
- Notify insurance and Tusla.
- Remain calm
- Child treated where they lie
- Injured child attended to by first aider with the first aid box.
- Fill out accident form
- Notify insurance and Tulsa
- Remain calm
- gather all children together, head count, rollcall. Secure the children with two adults.
- Indoors notify the manager of the setting e.g. indoor play area.
- Ascertain where the child disappeared from.
- Staff turn on phones, split up, check area methodically and carefully.
- If No sign, Ring 112 and Ring parent/Guardian/emergency contact person
- Gather the other children, head count, rollcall
- Ascertain where child last seen.
- Two adults mind the other children and calmly question them where child last seen.
- Organise search party in grid pattern radiating from last sighting.
- ring 112 Ring parent/guardian/emergency contact person.
- Keep searching Continue to question the children calmly.
- Record everything afterwards getting all to sign incident form.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 36 Recruitment Policy (July '24)
Merry Mornings service is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to employing the best person for the post. The recruitment policy of Merry Mornings is to ensure responsible, mature, police vetted, trained staff are employed to work with the children.
All interview processes will now take place via video link due to Covid-19 Restrictions
Merry Mornings will ensure that all staff and volunteers are carefully selected by undertaking the following: –
A job description will be drawn up and will explain the role that is being advertised including the main duties. Included will be the person specification that will describe the person Merry Mornings wants to fill the job, including the required qualifications and characteristics. Merry Mornings will ensure that all candidates have a copy of the job description and person specification in advance of the interview. The job advertisement will include information on how candidates s applies, whether it should be through email or in writing and whether they have to include a current curriculum vitae.
Application process
- We request that applicants send in an up to date and comprehensive CV when applying for a job in Merry Mornings. We sometimes request that candidates send in an application form, this will be included in our job advertisement.
How positions are advertised (internally/externally)
- All positions advertised externally in the local paper.
- If any staff on leave will be informed of any vacancies arising.
How we Shortlist
- A scoring sheet will be developed based on the criteria set out in the job description and the person specification.
- A short-listing panel consisting of the owner/manager/committee members/external interviewer will select the candidates for interview using these
Interview Process
All interview processes will now take place via video link due to Covid-19 Restrictions.
- A suitable interview panel will be assembled which will be made up of more than one person and will aim to get an equitable balance of gender.
- Prior to undertaking interviews, we will prepare a list of questions to assess all candidates based on the competencies, skills and experience set out in the job description and person specification.
- Merry Mornings maintains a scoring sheet which outlines the criteria required for the role and how each candidate scored under each question. Detailed notes from each interview will be maintained to show how marks were allocated.
- During the interview we will confirm if candidates are happy for Merry Mornings to contact the two references named in their application.
- Records of the shortlisting and the interview process will be maintained for 12 months or in line with Merry Mornings Data Retention Policy.
- Any candidate who wishes to have feedback on their interview is entitled to this feedback in a timely fashion.
- Any candidate who feels that they may have been discriminated against can make a written complaint to the Manager/Management of Merry Mornings, in line with the Complaints Policy.
- The selection will be made (depending on the nature and responsibility of the post) on the basis of: training/qualifications; experience; suitability to role; communication skills; ability to work with children of different age groups; ability to work as part of a team.
- All staff working directly with children will be required to hold a minimum of Level 5 qualification or equivalent in Early Childhood Care and Education.
Terms and Conditions
- Every person hired is to be furnished with their contract outlining the terms and conditions of the role. Merry Mornings commits to presenting every newly hired staff member with their 5 Core Terms of Employment within five days of commencement and their full terms and conditions thereafter.
Garda Vetting
- Vetting procedures are carried out by Merry Mornings prior to any person being appointed or assigned or being allowed access to a child in Merry Mornings.
- Prospective employees/unpaid workers will undergo Garda Vetting. Staff are required to complete the e-vetting process as directed by Merry Mornings.
Once a disclosure from the National Vetting Bureau has been made it will be treated in complete confidentiality by Merry Mornings. All disclosures will be discussed with the applicant and suitability for the role will be assessed pending this. See information below on garda vetting disclosures.
- Each employee will be re-vetted every 3 years.
- All prospective staff who have resided outside of Ireland for more than 6 months, must provide Merry Mornings with police vetting from this country. Police vetting must have a certified translation if not in English.
- Staff will not be permitted to work in Merry Mornings until a garda vetting disclosure and police vetting (if required) is obtained.
Vetting requirements
- Two references are required for any prospective staff member. One must be the most recent employer. Family members are not acceptable to give references.
- All references will be checked and validated before the commencement date of new employees or unpaid workers.
- References should be written on headed paper and be from past employers, where appropriate.
- All references will be called and validated. The validation will be held on file with the reference.
Management of Merry Mornings has a duty of care to all children who attend our service. If following reference checks and vetting we do not feel a candidate is suitable for employment/work placement with in our service, we will retract our offer.
- Merry Mornings will ensure that before commencement all staff working directly with children hold a Level 5 qualification or equivalent in Early Childhood Care and Education. Qualification certificates will be checked against the List of Recognised Qualifications maintained by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
- A copy of each staff member’s qualification is held on file in the service.
Identification verification:
- All prospective employees/unpaid workers must provide a copy of their up to date driving licence or passport. A copy of the ID will be held on file. The person’s identity will be verified against the ID.
Unsuccessful candidates:
- Merry Mornings will endeavour to contact unsuccessful candidates as soon as practicable.
- Keep and secure recruitment records for a period of one year.
- All candidates have a right to information about their recruitment process and can request this in writing. All information will be held in line with GDPR legislation.
Probation Period
- All staff will be required to complete a probation period of 6 months
- Information on the probation period will be include in the staff members contract.
- During the probation period, management will assess the employee’s suitability for the role.
- Regular probation review meetings will be held during the probation period. Areas that need improvement will be outlined to the employee and training will be provided as necessary.
- Records will be kept in line with Merry Mornings Data Retention Policy.
- Interview records will be held for a period of 1 year.
- Reference records will be held for 5 years or for the period of time the individual works in the service – whichever is longer.
- Garda vetting records will be held for 5 years or for the period of time the individual works in the service – whichever is longer
- From time to time Merry Mornings may accept students into the service on work placement or work experience.
- Students will undergo the same selection and interview procedure outlined in this policy.
- Students will also undergo Garda/Vetting, reference checks and identity verification like above, and contact will be made with their training provider to confirm their course of study.
- If a student does not hold the minimum qualification requirements, they will not be permitted to have unsupervised access to children in the service but may observe the roles and duties of qualified staff.
Dealing with a negative disclosure:
After the appropriate recruitment and interview process has taken place and the organisation has submitted the Garda vetting application, if there is a negative disclosure returned by the National Vetting Bureau the following policy should apply.
Appoint a Decision Maker/ Decision Making Committee:
A decision maker/ decision making committee can be a senior member of staff or members of the interview panel.
- The Decision Maker/Decision Making Committee will assess the suitability of applicants for positions within the Organisation regarding any Garda vetting disclosures that may be received in respect of them.
- Include some details of your decision-making process. Are there any categories of convictions that would automatically disqualify an applicant from filling a position in the organisation? If so, list them.
- If a disclosure does not automatically disqualify the applicant but raises doubts or concerns about the staff member’s suitability, it will be considered by the decision maker/makers. The decision on accepting or rejecting an applicant following a negative disclosure will be made by the decision maker/makers taking account of the nature of the disclosure, the circumstances surrounding it (to the extent that they may be known) and an assessment of the risk factors. The details of the disclosure will be verified with the applicant, who may be requested to provide further details relating to the incident(s) pertaining. Where an applicant disputes the accuracy of any detail contained in their Garda vetting disclosure, please contact the liaison person in Early Childhood Ireland.
Areas for Consideration after a negative disclosure:
The disclosure needs to be assessed in relation to the applicant’s intended role
within the organisation/setting. The following points will be considered:
The seriousness or nature of any offence and its relevance to be an employee or volunteer.
- The length of time since the offence occurred.
- The number and frequency of any convictions.
Any relevant information offered by the applicant about the circumstances, for example influence of domestic or financial difficulties.
The self-disclosure of the conviction/prosecution or pending conviction or prosecution by the applicant.
Whether the offence was a one-off or part of a history of offending.
Whether the applicant’s circumstances have changed since the offence took place. Serious road traffic offences such as drunk driving, dangerous driving, hit and run, no insurance and car theft.
The degree of remorse, and motivation for change, expressed by the individual, if this information is provided
The references received.
Any other relevant information
Some points the decision makers may also take into account include:
Does the role involve one-to-one contact with children in an unsupervised position?
Will the nature of the role provide the applicant with any opportunity to re-offend?
The answers to these questions, and information collected from the references, will allow the decision maker to recommend whether the disclosed information permits the appointment, and if so, the appointment can be made with or without restrictions.
Assessing Disclosures
The decision maker/makers will assess the information provided by the disclosure process and will make a recommendation on whether or not the applicant should be appointed. If disclosures have been received, the decision maker will request in writing that the applicant furnish further information on these disclosures or attend a meeting to discuss these disclosures and the circumstances surrounding them.
- If a student does not hold the minimum qualification requirements, they will not be permitted to have unsupervised access to children in the service but may observe the roles and duties of qualified staff.
The function of this meeting is to gain more information from the applicant for the decision maker in order to assess the disclosures. Where such a meeting or written statement is not provided, the decision maker will assess the application on the information available to them. The decision maker will have three options open to them:
Appointment Approved: If after reviewing all the available information the decision maker is confident that the applicant is able to work within the organisation/setting, then the remainder of the recruitment process should be followed in the usual way and the appointment confirmed.
Restricted Appointment: After reviewing all the available information, the decision maker may feel that the applicant is suitable to work with the organisation but should avoid any areas where there may be an opportunity to re-offend. For example, a person with a recent conviction involving drink driving could be issued with a restricted appointment excluding them from driving children on trips or school collections. If an application for the applicant position is accepted subject to any restrictions, the acceptance and terms of the restrictions should be confirmed in writing to the employee.
Appointment Denied: If after reviewing all the available information, the decision maker/ makers may feel that the application should be denied, the applicant should be informed of this in writing.
Throughout the procedure it is important that the applicant is kept informed and that the information provided is kept confidential to those directly involved in the process. The applicant will then be notified in writing on the final decision made by the decision maker.
Commitment to Fairness: All decision makers must in all cases behave without malice, and in every event must act fairly. They are entitled to reach a decision on the basis of the information before them but may ask the prospective employee for additional information
Merry Mornings Policy No. 37 Risk Management (July '24)
Merry Mornings continuously assesses any potential risk to the safety of the children attending this service.
This policy has been updated in line with current guidance the HSPC Infection Prevention and Control guidance for services providing childcare during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the DCYA’s Return to Work Safely Protocol and Tusla’s Children Services Regulations Guidance Document for Early Years Services: COVID-19
Risk assessments are completed to identify any potential hazard which may pose a risk to: –
- The service being well governed.
- The health welfare and development of each child attending being supported,
- The safety of the children in the service,
- The premises being safe, suitable and appropriate for the care and education of the children
Each risk assessment gives details of: –
1.The potential hazard/risk being assessed
2.The current controls in place to address the risk
3.Assessing the risk
4.Additional control in place to address the risk
5.Who is responsible for implementing the additional controls where appropriate.
Risk assessment is itemised on the agenda of the monthly meetings.
- A risk assessment for an individual child would be developed where required in consultation with the child/parents/guardians. Retained for two years after they leave the service.
- Accidents and incidents are discussed monthly and risk assessment is done if deemed necessary
- Risk assessment is carried out on any venue being visited by the service
- Risk assessment template in the safety statement is used
- Risk assessments are revised yearly and amended accordingly.
- All relevant stakeholders e.g. staff members are involved in the risk assessments
- Risk assessments are kept permanently except the IEP which are shredded as above.
Policy No 37 (a) Merry Mornings Risk Assessment
Merry Mornings is committed to supporting the development of children through opportunities for exploration experimentation and challenge. We provide a variety of play activities and areas of interest, in both our indoor and outdoor environments. Our early years’ service operates within the guidelines of the Childcare Act 1991 (Early Year Service) Regulations 2016 and the Health and Safety and Welfare Act 2005
- The service will carry out and document regular risk assessments of indoor play areas
- The service will carry out and document regular risk assessment of outdoor play areas.
- The safety guidelines of any proposed new equipment will be examined by the service prior to purchase and procedures will be put in place to minimise any risk, while allowing learning and developmental opportunities for children.
- Any new equipment will be introduced into the centre in a manner that supports the children to understand the purpose, use and rules of operation.
- A review of new equipment will be undertaken regularly to ensure safe ongoing operation.
- Practitioners will research the benefits of any proposed new activities.
- Practitioners will assess the risk involved in any new activities
- Practitioners will identify any hazard that may arise from the new activity
- Practitioners will put into place any procedure to minimise and risk while allowing learning and developmental opportunities for children.
- New activities will be introduced in a manner that supports the children to understand the purpose, use and rules of operation
- A review of new activities will be carried out and any learning will be incorporated into the procedure.
- All reviews will be documented
The COVID-19 Risk Management plan in Merry Mornings includes
- A daily temperature check of all staff and children in the service.
- The action that is taken should a child or staff member be suspected as having or test positive for COVID-19.
- The procedure that any child or adult who develops sudden onset of symptoms related to COVID-19 must be immediately separated/isolated from the group if they cannot leave the premises immediately.
- If a child is awaiting collection, an individual staff member in PPE will stay with the child in a separate well-ventilated room, if this is not available then the symptomatic person may remain in a place 2m away from the others in the room in the partitioned book area.
- The service having an adequate supply of surgical masks available for anyone that develops symptoms of COVID-19 or if a staff member chooses to wear one while caring for a sick child.
- A comprehensive cleaning schedule twice a day. This includes all frequently touched surfaces, all indoor and outdoor toys that have been used that day.
- Not allowing any parents/ Guardians into the building at any time.
- No school bags/ personal belongings / comforter toys allowed.
- Ensuring that all staff and children wash hands regularly with warm water and plain soap.
Merry Mornings Policy No.38 Safe Sleep (July '24)
Merry Mornings operates for a three- hour period. Children attending are between 2 years and 8 month and 5 years of age. At the parents meeting, in August of each year, parents discuss with staff members the sleep/rest needs of their child/children. Children should have a space to rest/sleep if they need to. Children’s energy levels vary and some need opportunity to rest/sleep more frequently than others.
This policy has been updated in line with current guidance the HSPC Infection Prevention and Control guidance for services providing childcare during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the DCYA’s Return to Work Safely Protocol and Tusla’s Children Services Regulations Guidance Document for Early Years Services: COVID-19.
Procedure during COVID_19
A soft couch in the corner of the book area is used for sleeping/resting. Reusable soft couch cover, Cellular blankets and sheets are washed after each use. This soft couch can be easily cleaned and is covered in a re-washable cover in line with COVID-19 guidelines.
- Staff are given clear guidance on the safe sleep practice and are trained in this policy.
- Staff are trained in COVID-19 procedure to ensure sleep area is clean and disinfected after every use.
- Children can sleep/rest when they are tired and not at a dedicated time in the three- hour session.
- Children sleeping/resting are supervised.
- Staff must check on the resting/sleeping child every 10 minutes.
- If child needs rest after the first 10 minutes, parents are to be notified to collect the child immediately.
- A log is kept of the child sleeping/resting which covers; time, duration, colour, breathing.
- The log is to be signed off every 10 minutes until child is collected
- Staff will ensure no objects of strangulation/choking are present or near the resting/sleeping area.
Merry Mornings Policy No 40 Safe Sleep Log
Child Name | Times checked at | Position | Colour | Breathing | Staff name |
Procedure for managing an emergency if a sleeping child is unresponsive:
- First aid is administered, and the emergency services are contacted.
- The Manager or the person who is in charge at that time notifies the child’s parents/guardians as soon as possible of the current situation.
- The person who found the child and has been resuscitating the child gives a detailed account of events to the paramedics on their arrival.
- Staff follow the direction of the paramedical staff.
- The scene is to be left as it is. An Garda Síochána may need to investigate.
- Families of the other children attending the childcare service may need to be notified of the incident by the Manager.
- Staff support is essential following any such incident.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 39 Settling in (July '24)
All staff at Merry Mornings would like the children attending this service to settle in, feel they belong and be happy to separate from family for playschool hours. Use the curriculum to the full and be ready to move to Primary school when the time is right.
This policy has been updated in line with current guidance the HSPC Infection Prevention and Control guidance for services providing childcare during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the DCYA’s Return to Work Safely Protocol and Tusla’s Children Services Regulations Guidance Document for Early Years Services: COVID-19
Changes to the service settling in period due to Covid-19
We recognise that one of the key challenges for all who care for children during this COVID-19 pandemic is to balance the need for a practical and sensible level of caution with the need to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for children. We are committed to ensuring that any practical precautions to reduce the chance of spread of virus such as by limiting adult interaction with the service will be balanced against the needs of children which will remain our priority at all times as they transition into our service.
Due to COVID-19 our service must implement an alternative arrangement to minimize adult interactions in line with guidance from the HPSC. Our normal settling in period cannot happen as no parent /guardian can enter the room.
In the interim period parents must leave their child with the staff at the front door who will then ensure that the child feels as welcome as possible to the playroom.
Staff will accommodate any parent if they wish may leave their child for a short period the first morning and lengthen the time they leave their child each morning thereafter as they wish . This may help some children to adjust to the settling in period.
Use of technology for communication with parents will be implemented. Merry Mornings will focus on working together with parents during this period to support the needs of children. Once the restrictions have been lifted our normal policy below will resume.
- The Staff greet child and parent/guardian and making them both feel welcome to the playroom.
- Children are individually introduced to all staff, guided around the room, shown where the toilets are and in consultation with parents/guardians guided to their preferred activity.
- Staffs recognise that parent/guardians know their children’s needs best.
- Staff are aware that some children can be upset separating from parent/guardian.
- Parents can help to settle their children during the first mornings.
- Parents are the best guide as to whether their child is genuinely upset and will or will not settle.
- Parents can remain with their child if they are upset and help them and the staff to settle.
- The staff will take the guide from the parents whether they want the child to be taken from them even if they are crying on the understanding that their child will stop crying when out of sight. The staff will not let a child sob inconsolably for any length of time. The staff will contact the parent to let them know their child is upset.
- Sand, painting, playdo are good areas to introduce the children to play and socialise in.
- Story reading, jigsaws and construction are good areas for those who are upset
- Parents can stay for as long as they want, leave for some- time and return to collect their child.
- If parents remain in the playroom, they should make sure they play and communicate with other children (at an activity) to introduce their child to the others.
- Parents should gradually leave their child but tell their child when they are leaving and when they will be back.
- Staff are sensitive to children’s needs and gently introduce them to the daily routine.
- If a child does not settle with parental assistance, parents could try dropping them off and firmly saying they will be back to collect them at twelve.
- If a child is very young, they may not be ready for this separation. Parents/guardians can remove them for a month or so and then try again.
- During the summer months May and June, children enrolled for the following September can visit the playroom for a short visit, but their parents must remain on these visits for insurance purposes.
- Parents/guardians give the names of authorised collectors at enrolment
- The children can attend the introduction days in their primary school. A conversation about moving to a different service is included in the curriculum.
- Key person system is in place, so each member of staff has up to seven children each to support and scaffold.
- The monthly staff meeting before the primary school visits refreshes the policy on how to support the children with change going forward.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 41 Specific Requirements (July '24)
Children and parents have individual needs. We try to meet these needs to the best of our ability. Should the case arise that specific requirements are not being met by this service then we will in consultation with parents/guardians and children do all in our power to meet these requirements.
- Data is collected and secured following GDPR 2018
· Registration forms provide space to highlight any specific requirements.
· The introduction sessions provide opportunity for parents/guardians to highlight any requirements. This cannot happen this year due to Covid-19 restrictions.
· Daily conversation and feedback to parents/guardians provide opportunity to highlight any requirements.
· Daily logbook provides opportunity for staff to monitor if children need any specific requirements.
· If specific requirements are highlighted the staff will consult with parents/guardians and draw up a plan to meet the needs of this child.
· The plan is reviewed as frequently as is deemed necessary by all parties involved.
Merry Mornings Policy No.42 Staff Absence (July '24)
Merry Mornings understands that from time to time staff will be absent from work and specific arrangements need to be put in place in line with current guidelines for Covid-19. The health, safety and welfare of children and staff is of paramount importance in our setting. The following policy is supplemental to our main policy on Staff Absences and in place so both the employer and the staff are aware of arrangements regarding the sickness absence procedures in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19). It is our priority to have arrangements in place to ensure that the service is adequately staffed at all times and that adult: child ratios are maintained. Staff members will be required to cooperate to facilitate contact tracing in such circumstances.
This policy has been drafted in line with current guidance the HSPC Infection Prevention and Control guidance for services providing childcare during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the DCYA’s Return to Work Safely Protocol and Tusla’s Children Services Regulations Guidance Document for Early Years Services: COVID-19.
The obligatory adult child ratio is 11 to 1. The session can only run if there are two members of staff present. Merry Mornings ensures continuity of service by employing three members of staff.
- Three members of staff attend most days
- No two members of staff can take annual leave at the same time
- If any member of staff is ill, they must contact Geraldine Murphy by half past eight in the morning. Geraldine calls on the relief staff (fully qualified and garda vetted by the service) if two members of staff are ill at the same time.
- If two members of staff are absent for whatever reason the relief staff is contacted.
- The staff roster is posted on the wall with reserve staff listed on it. Staff enter their attendance /absence in the daily register.
- If staff have been unwell, they must have a certificate from the doctor stating they are fit to return to work.
- Records are kept for Relief staff who are available to cover unplanned staff absences and emergencies, which includes Qualifications, Garda vetting and two written validated references, and photographic ID.
Staff Rostering -Maintaining adult: child ratios
- All staff working in Merry Mornings area aware of the required adult: child ratios that operate in the service. Adult: child ratios will be maintained at all times whilst adhering to adult social distancing guidelines.
- Daily and weekly staff rosters will be documented and recorded. Such information must be kept accurate and up to date to aid contact tracing should that be required.
- The staff roster is implemented at all times. The staff roster is displayed in the playroom and it is updated if staff are absent. The staff roster outlines if staff where absent and who filled in for them on a given day. Details of the Lead Worker Representative will also be displayed.
- If a staff member is absent or starts to display symptoms of Covid-19 and need to isolate, the following options are considered so that the adult: child ratio can be maintained at all times:
- Once two members of staff are in, the adult: child ratios are maintained.
- A relief staff member (fully qualified and garda vetted by the service) is called in to the service where a second adult is needed to maintain adult: child ratios.
- If staff ratios are reduced to 1 adult suddenly due to Covid -19 illness Parents/Guardians are informed that the service must close and children must be collected immediately. If the service has not opened yet children cannot attend the service because the adult: child ratio cannot be maintained.
Unplanned Leave related to Covid-19
- If any staff member develops symptoms of acute respiratory infection including cough, fever or shortness of breath while at home they should not attend for work and they must notify Geraldine Murphy no later than 8.30 am on the first day of absence.
- All staff must notify the manager by phone call of their absence and advise the manager that they are exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19.
- The Lead Worker Representative will be notified for the purposes of gathering the required logs to facilitate contact tracing.
- The staff member should contact their GP or the HSE and follow their guidance. They should notify the manager accordingly and all guidance will be followed. The sick leave policy will then apply.
- It All medical reports will be kept confidential.
Staff Member Exhibits symptoms of Covid-19 while in setting
- If a staff member develops symptoms of acute respiratory infection including cough, fever or shortness of breath while in the setting they will be requested go home without delay and contact their GP by telephone.
- They must advise their manager immediately who will allow them to move to the isolation area and will provide staff cover.
- They should remain 2 m away from others if possible.
- They should avoid touching people, surfaces and objects and should cover their mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when they cough or sneeze and put the tissue in the bin. If no tissues are available, they should cough and sneeze into the crook of their elbow.
- Surgical masks will be made available and they will be requested to wear one, If they can tolerate doing so.
- If they must wait to be collected from the setting, then they should do so in the isolation area or the partitioned book area. Their emergency contact person will be contacted.
- The room will need to be cleaned and contact surfaces disinfected once they leave.
- If they need to use toilet facilities, they should wipe contact surfaces clean and clean their hands after attending the toilet.
- The lead worker representative will be informed so as to initiate contact tracing procedures.
Return to Work
- Staff must notify Merry Mornings of their return to work date. Merry Mornings will request a fitness to return to work certificate from the staff member.
- Three days before they return to work, the employee must complete the return to work form.
- Upon return, the employee will complete the return to work checklist.
- On return to work after an absence, the Line Manager will meet with the employee to update the employee on their job priorities to review the return to work protocol documents.
Dealing with long-term sickness absence or frequent short-term absences
In circumstances where an employee has been absent for a long period of time or if an employee has had frequent short- term absences, the following process will be followed:
- It is important for Merry Mornings to understand the reasons for staff absence. We want to know whether there are things we can do to help you improve your attendance and your health.
- In certain circumstances we may need to get medical information about your illness before deciding on a course of action
- Merry Mornings may meet with a staff member to discuss their absence, the medical information or other related issues. We will give you reasonable notice of the meeting and location.
- If you are unable to attend the meeting, at the time specified, it is very important that you let us know as soon as possible. We will then seek to arrange another time where you are able to attend.
- If it is relevant, we will consider whether reasonable adjustments may need to be made to the sickness absence procedure, or to your role or working arrangements.
- In certain circumstances, we may ask an employee to attend a medical assessment by a doctor or occupational health adviser.
- All medical reports will be kept confidential.
If a staff member is diagnosed with COVID-19 (coronavirus):
Where a staff member is diagnosed with COVID-19 (coronavirus), we follow the Staff Absence Policy active in this service, and this illness should be treated as any other illness. Sick pay will depend on the staff Absence Policy, and the financial position of the service. Employees diagnosed with COVID-19 (coronavirus) can, as is the case of any other illness, apply for income support from the Department of Social Protection in the form of illness benefit based on social insurance contributions or supplementary welfare allowance based on a means test. Rules for these welfare schemes have been relaxed, and will be available from the first day of illness.
Employees without a COVID-19 (coronavirus) diagnosis but who is directed to self-isolate: (Leave to take care of family members who is vulnerable / displaying symptoms)
Employees who are advised or directed by a registered medical practitioner to self-isolate on the basis that they are a probable source of COVID-19 (coronavirus) infection can apply for income support from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. Under the new changes the means test for supplementary welfare has been removed as has the PRSI contribution qualification, so should employers be unable to pay workers for HSE mandated self-isolation this will be available to employees and self-employed people. The rate remains €201 per week for those over 18 and living independently.
The personal rate of Illness Benefit will be increased from €203 per week to €305 per week for a maximum of two weeks of self-isolation, or the duration of an employee’s medically certified absence from work due to a diagnosis of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Illness Benefit will also kick in from the first day of medically certified self-isolation or a COVID-19 (coronavirus) diagnosis, rather than the previous waiting time of 6 days.
Employment considerations due to directed closure:
There is no obligation to pay employees where the setting has to close but members can use their discretion in this regard. As it is not possible for employees to work from home, other measures should be considered. These may include requiring employees to take annual leave or unpaid leave until the service can reopen.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 43 Staff Training Policy (July '24)
Merry Mornings is committed to the on-going training and development of all staff. Continued professional learning is important for both the quality of the service and staff job satisfaction. It is recognised that good communication/training will be essential to minimise the risks Covid-19 in our service.
The permanent members of staff have completed Fetac Level 5 Certificates in Childcare and both the Play Leader and Room Leader have completed Level 6. The Room Leader has completed the Degree Level 8 in Early Childhood Studies.
This policy is underwritten by the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016 and the Child Care Regulations (The Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Amendments) Regulations 2016 and the Tusla Quality and Regulatory Framework.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the main policy on staff training, the HSPC Infection Prevention and Control guidance for services providing childcare during the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Return to Work Safely Protocol
- The staff need ongoing training to implement the Aistear and Siolta National Childcare Programmes.
- The staff are encouraged to continue with their childcare training to Degree level the fees for which to be paid for by the service
- Staff have the opportunity at each meeting to identify any training needs
- At the yearly review the staff can identify a training need they might have.
NOTE: Please refer to Policy No. 26 Induction
Supplemental Policy on Staff Training related to Covid-19
Merry Mornings have appointed Hilary Mezzapelle as the lead representative to ensure that COVID-19 measures are strictly adhered to in the service. All Staff are made aware of, and trained in, the control measures put in place to minimise the risk of them and others being exposed to COVID-19
- Every staff member (including unpaid workers) will receive information and training upon their return to the service for managing COVID-19, including:
- All policies of the service, including infection control policy, risk management policy, incident plan and all policies that have been changed and updated upon reopening
- Correct procedures for handwashing
- Revised drop off and collection procedures
- Revised procedures for service up a play environment
- Revised procedures for cleaning
- Health and Safety Authority return to work protocol
- The role of the lead worker representative the appointed Lead Worker Representative will also receive specific training in relation to their role
- A signed record of all this training will be maintained together with other training records.
- In line with the service’s supervision policy all staff and unpaid workers will address these at the regular staff meetings to identify and address their training needs in relation to management of Covid-19 in the service.
- The management team will undertake a training needs analysis to identify gaps that need to be filled in respect of training related to Covid-19. This analysis will be reviewed on a regular basis, to establish what type of training is required.
- Both manager and staff will carry out regular checks at the staff meetings where any issues relating to the management of Covid-19 arising in the workplace can be addressed in a timely and supportive manner. Staff will be encouraged to put forward new ideas, make suggestions for changes or to request additional training to assist them in managing the risks of Covid-19 in Merry Mornings Playschool.
- Staff are also encouraged to discuss any concerns in relation to training for Covid-19 with their lead worker representative.
- Good communication / training and regular staff meetings are in place to manage COVID-19.
- Staff have received specific training in: Infection Control, Risk Management, Incident Plan.
- A specific hand washing training has been completed by all staff prior to re-opening.
- There are revised procedures for cleaning, drop off and collection of children to the service.
- Staff have completed how to use PPE in the event of a child becoming sick.
- Each member of staff has been contacted prior to reopening to ascertain whether they have been in contact with a suspected / confirmed case or if they are experiencing symptoms themselves.
Staff Rostering
- Merry mornings staff have all completed a pre-return to work form before they returned to work.
- Merry mornings are compliant with staff/child ratios in the regulations.
- Staff must stagger breaks and should not congregate in other communal areas or outside.
- Extra staff will be available should a staff member become ill or have to self-isolate. A plan is in place to address absenteeism due to COVID-19.
Lead Representative Covid-19 Merry Mornings Pre-school
Person Responsible: _________________________________
Date implemented: _________________________________
Signed by: _________________________________ On behalf of Management (Manager, Owner, Chairperson)
Review Date: _________________________________
Merry Mornings Policy No. 44. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND FUNCTION (January 2020)
The purpose of Merry Mornings is to provide a stimulating safe environment for Pre-school Children.
Merry Mornings is a private preschool service and is classified as a sessional service offering pre-school care under the Childcare Act 1991(early Years Services} Regulations 2016. A play-based service underpinned by Siolta, Aistear and Montessori principles.
Principle: – This policy is underwritten by the Child Care Act 1991
(Early Years’ Service) Regulations 2016
Service details
Name of service | Merry Mornings |
Address | Gort na nOir |
Eircode | R32VH6V |
Contact Person | Hilary Mezzapelle |
Position in Setting | Owner |
Email Address | [email protected] |
Description of service
Type of setting | Sessional Pre-school |
Type of service | Private |
Curriculum/programmes offered | Play based curriculum underpinned by Siolta/Aistear/Montessori |
Number of weeks open | 38 weeks |
Opening hours | 9.a.m.-12noon |
DCYA Schemes offered | ECCE |
Policies that inform the work of the Preschool Service
- Fire safety
- Infection control
- Administration of medication
- Complaints policy
- Dropping and collecting
- Health and safety statement
- Child safeguarding statement
- Behaviour management
- Safe sleep
Merry Mornings Policy No.45 Supervision Policy (July '24)
Merry Mornings values all employees. All employees are supervised, supported in this service in relation to their work practices.
Supervision is any communication between two or more relevant staff one of whom is a line manager. It is in place to support develop knowledge, skills, and values of an individual through an evaluation process to examine professional thinking, actions and decisions.
- In line with the service’s supervision policy all staff and unpaid workers will have the opportunity to raise, identify and address their training needs in relation to management of Covid-19 in the service.
- Both manager and staff will carry out regular support and supervision meetings where any issues relating to the management of Covid-19 arising in the workplace can be addressed in a timely and supportive manner. Staff will be encouraged to put forward new ideas, make suggestions for changes or to request additional training to assist them in managing the risks of Covid-19 in Merry Mornings Playschool.
- Hilary Mezzapelle is the owner and accepts ultimate responsibility for the playschool.
- Hilary Mezzapelle – The manager manages the other members of staff including relief staff . At the end of the morning the staff informally discuss any issues that may have arisen that day. Hilary gives support and training when required. Once a week the staff have an hour- long meeting discussing the children. Reaching conclusions and any action needed.
- Rosemary Harding – The playleader answers directly to Hilary Mezzapelle
- Hilary Mezzapelle – Room Leader/ the Early Years Educator.
- The three members of staff have completed FETAC level 5,6, courses funded by the service.
- Hilary has completed the degree in Early Childhood Care and Education
- The staff are encouraged to continue their childcare education and training to degree level funded by the service.
Every staff member (including unpaid workers) will receive information and training upon their return to the service for managing COVID-19, including:
- All policies of the service, including infection control policy, risk management policy, incident plan and all policies that have been changed and updated upon reopening
- Correct procedures for handwashing
- Revised drop off and collection procedures
- Revised procedures for service up a play environment
- Revised procedures for cleaning
- Health and Safety Authority return to work protocol
- The role of the lead worker representative the appointed Lead Worker Representative will also receive specific training in relation to their role
- The management team will undertake a training needs analysis to identify gaps that need to be filled in respect of training related to Covid-19. This analysis will be reviewed on a regular basis, to establish what type of training is required.
- Staff are also encouraged to discuss any concerns in relation to training for Covid-19 with their lead worker representative.
- Good communication / training and regular staff meetings are in place to manage COVID-19.
- The staff members attend revision First AID courses every three years.
- The monthly weekly and daily plans are prepared by the room leader
- Monthly meetings provide opportunity to raise any concerns staff may have, training needs of staff are raised regularly
- Policies and procedures are raised at monthly meeting, risk assessments and revision of Aistear programme
- Planning for the emerging curriculum is discussed at monthly meetings.
- The staff will keep a written record of their reflections and discussion on these reflections take place at the staff meetings
- Staff will be appraised in June of each year. The appraisal will lead into planned actions to be put in place the following September.
- The supervision records will be kept in the staff file and kept for five years after the staff leave the service.
NOTE: Please see Policy No. 26 Induction
Merry Mornings Policy No.47 Use of the internet, photographic equipment and recordings device (July '24)
Audio visual equipment is part and parcel of a child’s everyday life. Audio visual can be used at the correct time and place.
COVID-19 Guidelines change in communication
- Staff and parents will now communicate via whats app video call on any issue that cannot be resolved via email or short face to face contact, maintaining appropriate social distance and within the 15-minute time frame.
NOTE: See the GDPR policies and procedures
- Computer / computer games are not included in equipment in the playroom.
- Television is not used in the playroom.
- Staff can use a camera for observation purposes.
- Staff cannot use their phones for observation purposes.
- Staff mobile phones must be on display on the windowsill in the playroom.
- Staff talk on their phones outside of the room. Staff cannot hold private conversations on their phones in the room.
- Parents sign permission slips to allow photographic evidence to be used for observation purposes.
- The photographs are returned to the parents when the child leaves
- Photographs are not used by this service for advertising only for observation purposes and parents have signed confirming this.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 50 Equal Opportunities (July '24)
It is our policy to recognise and respect the rights of all adults and children associated with this service; Merry Mornings promotes equality of access and participation and eliminates discrimination on grounds of culture, race, gender, disability and social background in all our policies and procedures. We will comply with all relevant legislation, including:
The Employment Equality Acts 1998 and 2004
- The Equal Status Acts, 2000 to 2004
- GDPR 2018
This policy will be reviewed regularly.
- Merry Mornings is open to all families in the community.
- The Advance Booking List and the Waiting List are operated as per admission procedures See Policy No 1.
- We recognise that all families should be encouraged to be involved in their children’s early education, in whatever ways possible for them.
- Input from all families in this service is valued equally.
- There are many different types of families.
- Children can be loved and cared for in different family settings.
- Information spoken and written will be communicated through as many different methods as possible when necessary.
- Children are valued and supported to develop their strengths and interests.
- The individuality of each child is respected and nurtured. A wide range of activities and play equipment is provided in an environment free from prejudice and discrimination.
- Children are always encouraged to appreciate similarities and value differences.
- The range of materials used by the children in this setting reflect cultures, gender and ability difference.
- Collaboration and cooperation among children and staff are supported.
Additional Needs:
- We recognise that all children have needs but some have more needs than others. The special needs of children are acknowledged.
- Every effort will be made to meet the needs of children using this service.
- Where appropriate, every effort will be made to meet the medical needs of the children in our care.
Food and festivals:
- Children and adults will be encouraged to experience a range of festivals through stories, celebrations, special food and clothing. Appropriate advice and input will be sought from people who celebrate the festival.
Staff and Training:
- The correct procedures as set out in current Employment and Equality Legislation will be followed when recruiting full time staff members.
- In service training will be provided for all staff in the area of equal opportunities, in order to raise awareness of discriminatory actions or behaviours. (Siolta – The National Quality Standards)
- Staff and children will be challenged and helped to understand that discriminatory actions and behaviour is not acceptable.
Merry Mornings Policy No. 55 Health and Wellbeing (July '24)
We promote the health and well-being of children through prevention of illness, encouraging take-up and completion of immunisation programmes and developmental checks and supporting all aspects of the physical, emotional, moral and spiritual health of the child. Merry Mornings will comply with current legislation regarding food hygiene, registration and training, including:
- The Child Care Act 1991
- The Child Care (Pre-School Services) Regulation 2016
- I.S.: Hygiene and Catering Requirements
- I.S.344 Guide to Good Hygiene Practices in Domestic Premises
- E.C. Hygiene of Foodstuffs Regulations 2000 (S.I.165 of 2000)
- There are opportunities for energetic and outdoor play.
- The children’s emotional, moral, spiritual health and well being is supported through a stimulating curriculum.
Infectious disease control: COVID-19
- A notice that is visible and in easily understood English is at the entrance stating that children and staff may not attend if a child/parent/household member or staff member has;
- Signs or symptoms of respiratory infection, such as a cough, shortness of breath and /or a fever.
- A temperature of 38C or higher
- All Staff and children in the service will have their temperatures checked and recorded daily.
- Children or adults with heavy colds, coughs or infectious diseases should not attend the childcare service. (see policies on, infection control, infectious disease control).
Healthy eating:
NOTE: See Policy No. 23 on Healthy Eating
- The staff sit with small groups of children as they eat their food, to encourage good eating habits, stimulate conversation and enhance the quality of the interaction. They will observe adult social distancing covid-19 rules.
- If a child’s eating or drinking patterns vary, the parent/guardian/carer will be notified
- Children are always supervised while they are eating.
Immunisation policy
- When a child is enrolled in Merry Mornings, the immunisation details must be filled in on the application form. In the case of children who have not been immunised, parent/guardian/carer will be asked to contact Tusla.